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ADDON Game Conference

ADDON Game Conference 2024

Rennes, France

A Cast of Thousands: Casting and Directing Performances for Baldur's Gate 3

The breathtaking world of Baldur’s Gate 3 is populated by an array of captivating characters. From the charismatic leads through to the most minor NPC, each of the 2000+ characters has a unique personality, voice and physicality that is captured through their voice and mocap performances. Recording such an extensive cast while maintaining tonal and technical consistency and creating compelling performances required the combined effort of dedicated teams spanning multiple disciplines. Kirsty Gillmore (Voice and Performance Director) takes us through the approach to casting and directing the dialogue performances for the vast and complex world of this multi-award winning game, and the rewards and challenges involved in working with 200+ actors to bring the characters to life.

Location: Rennes, France

Date: Thursday April 25

Time: 16:30 - 17:30

March 30

The Versatile Voice Actor - The Halp Network Entertainment Academy online workshop

May 24

MCM London Comic Con: Baldur's Gate 3: Cast and Voice and Casting Directors